
Of mites and men: Ineffective interventions against house dust mites, institutional corruption and Cochrane fraud

Some people with asthma are allergic to house dust mites, and many physical and chemical methods have been tried to eradicate the mites or reduce their occurrence. One of my researchers, Cecilia Hammarquist from Sweden, wanted to review the trials, which we did. This is a hilarious story illustrating that there are no limits to […]

Of mites and men: Ineffective interventions against house dust mites, institutional corruption and Cochrane fraud Read More »

Big Pharma is organised crime

In 2013, I published the book, Deadly medicines and organised crime: How big pharma has corrupted health care, which won the British Medical Association’s Annual Book Award in 2014, in the category Basis of Medicine. It has appeared in 18 languages. In 2014, I lectured about drugs in Santa Rosa in California at Dr. John

Big Pharma is organised crime Read More »

ADHD er en epidemi af falske diagnoser og skadelig medicin

Af Professor emeritus Peter C Gøtzsche og psykolog Allan Holmgren (Nedenstående er vores debatindlæg, som Politiken ikke ville udgive) I Politiken (21. august) kommer folketingsmedlem Matilde Powers (S) med et væld af forkerte påstande om ADHD. Hun kalder ADHD en biologisk forstyrrelse i hjernen med en nedsat virkning af signalstofferne dopamin og noradrenalin. Man har

ADHD er en epidemi af falske diagnoser og skadelig medicin Read More »

Cochrane advises against preprints, is highly ineffective, and protects its “brand”

Last year, we updated our Cochrane review on mammography screening with more mortality data and sent it to Cochrane in August 2023. The many comments we received on the very minor, fourth update of a well-known and highly cited Cochrane review that has been around for 23 years1 illustrates that Cochrane has become a highly

Cochrane advises against preprints, is highly ineffective, and protects its “brand” Read More »