
Some books by Peter C Gøtzsche (see descriptions below, some are freely available)

Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado (2013 en inglés) y Psicofármacos que matan y denegación organizada (2015 en inglés) ya está disponible gratuitamente (ver al final de esta página)


La psichiatria è un crimine contro l’umanità? (2024)

Il mio libro è per tutti. Si tratta di un attacco frontale alla psichiatria biologica, che utilizza farmaci per quasi tutti i problemi di salute mentale, con risultati disastrosi. Se leggi il libro, puoi decidere tu stesso se sei d’accordo sul fatto che la psichiatria è un crimine contro l’umanità. Il libro riassume ciò che ho scritto in precedenza e contiene anche molto materiale nuovo. Spero di ottenere alcuni cambiamenti tanto necessari con esso. La salute mentale è in crisi. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità e le Nazioni Unite hanno recentemente chiesto una riforma sistematica della salute mentale che enfatizzi gli interventi psicosociali. Se il libro ti è piaciuto puoi fare una donazione per il mio lavoro utilizzando l’IBAN n. DK5867710005437934, swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank) o usa la mia opzione di crowdfunding.


Libro de texto de psiquiatría crítica (2024)

Mi libro es para todos. Es un ataque frontal a la psiquiatría biológica, que utiliza medicamentos para casi cualquier problema de salud mental, con resultados desastrosos. Si lees el libro, podrás decidir por ti mismo si estás de acuerdo en que la psiquiatría es un crimen contra la humanidad. El libro resume lo que he escrito antes y también contiene mucho material nuevo. Espero lograr algunos cambios muy necesarios con él. Tenemos una crisis de salud mental. La Organización Mundial de la Salud y las Naciones Unidas han pedido recientemente una reforma sistemática de la salud mental que haga hincapié en las intervenciones psicosociales. Si te gusta el libro, quizás quieras enviar una donación por mi trabajo utilizando el IBAN no. DK5867710005437934, swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank), o utilice mi opción de financiación colectiva.


Is psychiatry a crime against humanity? (2024)

My book is for everyone. It is a frontal attack on biological psychiatry, which uses drugs for almost any mental health issue, with disastrous results. If you read the book, you can decide for yourself if you agree that psychiatry is a crime against humanity. The book summarises what I have written before and contains a lot of new material as well. I hope to achieve some much-needed changes with it. We have a mental health crisis. The World Health Organisation and the United Nations have recently called for systematic mental health reform emphasising psychosocial interventions. If you like the book, you may wish to wire a donation for my work using IBAN no. DK5867710005437934, swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank), or use my crowdfunding option.


Critical psychiatry textbook (2022)

My book describes what is wrong with the psychiatry textbooks used by students of medicine, psychology and psychiatry. I read the five most used textbooks in Denmark and uncovered a litany of misleading and erroneous statements about the causes of mental health disorders, if they are genetic, if they can be detected in a brain scan, if they are caused by a chemical imbalance, if psychiatric diagnoses are reliable, and what the benefits and harms are of psychiatric drugs and electroshocks. Much of what is claimed amounts to scientific dishonesty. I also describe fraud and serious manipulations with the data in often cited research. I conclude that biological psychiatry has not led to anything of use, and that psychiatry as a medical specialty does more harm than good.

If you like the book, you may wish to wire a donation for my work using IBAN no. DK5867710005437934, swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank), or use my crowdfunding option.


The Chinese virus: Killed millions and scientific freedom (2022)

This book documents the US-Chinese cover up for the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, the worst cover up in the history of medicine, for one of the worst catastrophes ever, which has so far killed 6 million people. It is extremely likely that COVID-19 was caused by a lab leak in Wuhan and that the virus was manufactured there. But China and Beijing’s useful idiots, which include Lancet, Nature, Science, New York Times, US presidential advisor Anthony Fauci, and previous director Francis Collins from the National Institutes of Health, led the whole world astray. All the key players lied about the facts. The book describes many other attacks on scientific freedom and common sense, also outside healthcare, and explains the deplorable role social media censorship has played via their so-called fact checkers. Read book review by Dr. Dick Bijl, President, International Society of Drug Bulletins.

If you like the book, you may wish to wire a donation for my work using IBAN no. DK5867710005437934, swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank), or use my crowdfunding option.


The decline and fall of the Cochrane empire (2022)

This is the story about institutional corruption and the rapid transformation of a prosperous democracy into a brutal tyranny. It explains why one of the most important organisations ever in healthcare, the Cochrane Collaboration, now seems to be doomed because the wrong man was employed as CEO in 2012. He systematically destroyed Cochrane, particularly the highly respected Cochrane centres, and a weak Governing Board let him do it. In April 2021, he suddenly left without a farewell message, seven days before the UK funder announced a major budget cut. Many of the things he did were highly bizarre and difficult to understand. Journalists have therefore asked: Did he have powerful friends in the drug industry? Was he planted to destroy Cochrane?

Le déclin et la chute de l’empire Cochrane


Mental health survival kit and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs (2022)

This book will help people with mental health issues survive and come back to a normal life. The general public believes that drugs against depression and psychosis and admission to a psychiatric ward are more often harmful than beneficial, and this is also what the science shows. Even so, most people continue taking psychiatric drugs for many years. This is mainly because they have developed drug dependence. The psychiatrists and other doctors have made hundreds of millions of people dependent on psychiatric drugs and yet have done virtually nothing to find out how to help them come off them safely again, which can be very difficult. The book explains in detail how harmful psychiatric drugs are and tells people how they can withdraw safely from them. It also advises about how people with mental health issues may avoid becoming psychiatric “career” patients and lose 10 or 15 years of their life to psychiatry.

Buy here. See Contents here



Mentalt overlevelseskit og udtrapning af psykofarmaka (2020)

Denne bog kan hjælpe mennesker med psykiske problemer med at overleve og vende tilbage til et normalt liv. Borgerne mener, at medicin mod depression og psykose og indlæggelse på en psykiatrisk afdeling oftere er skadelig end gavnlig, og det er også det, videnskaben viser. Alligevel fortsætter de fleste patienter med at tage psykofarmaka i mange år. Det skyldes hovedsagelig, at de har udviklet medicinafhængighed. Psykiatere og andre læger har gjort hundreder af millioner af mennesker afhængige af psykofarmaka og har alligevel stort set intet gjort for at finde ud af, hvordan de kan hjælpe dem med at trappe sikkert ud igen, hvilket kan være meget vanskeligt. Bogen forklarer i detaljer, hvor skadelige psykofarmaka er, og fortæller, hvordan man kan stoppe med at bruge dem. Den giver også råd om, hvordan mennesker med psykiske problemer kan undgå at blive psykiatriske ”karrierepatienter” og miste 10 eller 15 år af deres liv til psykiatrien. Se Indholdsfortegnelsen her.

Pdf-udgave (217 sider): Overfør 150 kr. (inkl. moms) til Institute for Scientific Freedom, konto 67715437934 (Lægernes Bank), og skriv din e-mail adresse i notefeltet. Da der måske ikke er plads til hele adressen, så send også en email til

Trykt bog (217 sider, Dispuks forlag): 249,95 kr. Kan købes her. Pressemeddelelse


Kit de sobrevivência em saúde mental
e retirada dos medicamentos psiquiátricos

Este livro ajudará pessoas com problemas de saúde mental a sobreviver e voltar a uma vida normal. O público em geral acredita que os medicamentos contra a depressão e a psicose e a internação em uma enfermaria psiquiátrica são mais frequentemente prejudiciais do que benéficos, e isso também é o que a ciência mostra. Mesmo assim, a maioria das pessoas continua tomando drogas psiquiátricas por muitos anos. Isso ocorre principalmente porque eles desenvolveram dependência de drogas. Os psiquiatras e outros médicos tornaram centenas de milhões de pessoas dependentes de drogas psiquiátricas e, ainda assim, não fizeram praticamente nada para descobrir como ajudá-las a sair delas com segurança, o que pode ser muito difícil. O livro explica em detalhes como as drogas psiquiátricas são prejudiciais e diz às pessoas como elas podem retirá-las com segurança. Ele também informa sobre como pessoas com problemas de saúde mental podem evitar se tornar pacientes psiquiátricos de “carreira” e perder 10 ou 15 anos de suas vidas para a psiquiatria.


Kit de supervivencia para la salud mental y retirada de psicofármacos

Este libro ayudará a las personas con problemas de salud mental a sobrevivir y volver a una vida normal. La población general está convencida de que los medicamentos contra la depresión o la psicosis y los ingresos en unidades psiquiátricas son más a menudo dañinos que beneficiosos, y esto es también lo que muestra la ciencia. Aun así, la mayoría de las personas continúan tomando medicamentos psiquiátricos durante muchos años. Esto se debe principalmente a que han desarrollado dependencia a esas sustancias. Los psiquiatras y otros médicos han contribuido a que cientos de millones de personas dependan de los medicamentos psiquiátricos y, sin embargo, no han hecho prácticamente nada para averiguar cómo ayudarlas a dejarlos de manera segura, algo que puede ser muy difícil. El libro explica en detalle cuán dañinos son los medicamentos psiquiátricos y le enseña a la población cómo pueden retirarse de manera segura. También informa sobre cómo las personas con problemas de salud mental pueden evitar convertirse en pacientes psiquiátricos etiquetados de por vida y perder 10 o 15 años de su vida debido a la psiquiatría.


Kit de survie en santé mentale et sevrage
des médicaments psychiatriques

Ce livre aidera les personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale à survivre et à reprendre une vie normale. Le grand public estime que les médicaments contre la dépression et la psychose et l’admission dans un service psychiatrique sont plus souvent nuisibles que bénéfiques, et c’est aussi ce que montre la science. Malgré cela, la plupart des personnes continue à prendre des médicaments psychiatriques pendant de nombreuses années. C’est principalement parce que celles-ci ont développé une dépendance au médicament. Les psychiatres et autres médecins ont rendu des centaines de millions de personnes dépendantes des médicaments psychiatriques et pourtant, ils n’ont pratiquement rien fait pour découvrir comment aider les personnes à quitter les médicaments en toute sécurité, ce qui peut s’avérer très difficile. Le livre explique en détail combien les médicaments psychiatriques sont nocifs et informe les personnes sur la manière d’en faire le sevrage de façon sécurisée. Il donne des conseils aussi pour que les personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale parviennent à éviter de devenir des patients psychiatriques « de carrière » et à ne pas perdre 10 ou 15 ans de leur vie à cause de la psychiatrie.


Death of a whistleblower and Cochrane’s moral collapse (2019)

Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993. His career has exposed malfeasance in the drug industry, clinical trials and regulatory agencies, empowering Cochrane to evolve into one of the world’s most trusted scientific institutions. However, in 2018, he was unceremoniously expelled after a show trial that left the rest of the world wondering what happened. Gøtzsche fought to uphold Cochrane’s original values of transparency, rigorous science, free scientific debates, and collaboration. But instead of maintaining scientific integrity, Cochrane’s leadership had become consumed with managing the charity like a business, promoting its brand and products and demanding the censorship of dissenting views. Gøtzsche pulls back the covers on this unscrupulous process and gives access to secret recordings, which reveal how his own organisation betrayed him and mislead millions of people after Cochrane cowered to the threats and intimidation from his critics. This is the fascinating story about institutional corruption, which ultimately led to the worst show trial in academia you can imagine. Can be bought here. See also the 2022 book “The decline and fall of the Cochrane empire” above.


Survival in an overmedicated world (2019)

‘You do not ask a barber if you need a haircut.’ Yet we willingly allow our doctors to subject us to various diagnostic investigations and treatments which may be financially beneficial for themselves. Healthcare is riddled with financial conflicts of interest, and even when your doctor does not directly benefit, there are many other reasons why you should be on the alert. In good faith, doctors use many treatments which do not work, and since all treatments will cause harm to some patients, doctors do harm to many people. Therefore, you must look up evidence to protect yourself against being harmed. Harm is usually caused by drugs but can also be caused by, for instance, infections, surgeries, Chinese herbs, electroshock, diagnostic testing, and admission to hospitals – dangerous places because of the many errors made there. This book is a self-help guide to finding the most reliable evidence about diagnostic methods and healthcare treatments. It is written for everyone, also health professionals who, like patients, can feel lost when looking for answers to the most pertinent questions on the Internet. English original can be bought here. The book has also appeared in Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. Will appear in Korean.


Deadly psychiatry and organised denial (2015)

This book explains in evidence-based detail why psychiatric drugs do far more harm than good. They kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and above in the United States and Europe. Many people become dependent on them and may develop severe, long-lasting and dangerous withdrawal symptoms when they try to come off them. We could reduce our current usage of psychotropic drugs by 98% and at the same time improve patients’ mental and physical health and survival.  The book debunks the many myths that leading psychiatrists – very often on drug industry payroll – have created and nurtured over decades in order to conceal the fact that biological psychiatry has been a disaster. Biological psychiatry sees drugs as the “solution” for virtually all problems, in marked contrast to the patients. Very few patients respond to the drugs they receive and the psychiatrists’ frustrations over the lack of progress often lead to more diagnoses, more drugs and higher doses, harming the patients further. Read Chapter 1 here (English and Danish). English original can be bought here. The book has also appeared in Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Slovenian and Spanish (freely available, see below).


Deadly medicines and organised crime (2013)

Professor Peter C Gøtzsche’s book won first prize in the “Basis of Medicine” category of the British Medical Association’s annual book awards in 2014. Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. In this ground-breaking book, Gøtzsche exposes the pharmaceutical industries and their charade of fraudulent behaviour, both in research and marketing where the morally repugnant disregard for human lives is the norm. He convincingly draws close comparisons with the tobacco conglomerates, revealing the extraordinary truth behind efforts to confuse and distract the public and their politicians. The book addresses, in evidence-based detail, an extraordinary system failure caused by widespread crime, corruption, bribery and impotent drug regulation in need of radical reforms. English original can be bought here. The book has also appeared in CzechDanish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (see below, freely available) and Swedish.


Mammography screening: truth, lies and controversy (2012)

The most effective way to decrease women’s risk of becoming a breast cancer patient is to avoid attending screening. The book takes an evidence-based, critical look at the scientific disputes and the information provided to women by governments and cancer charities. It also explains why mammography screening is unlikely to be effective. “If Peter Gøtzsche did not exist, there would be a need to invent him … It may still take time for the limitations and harms of screening to be properly acknowledged and for women to be enabled to make adequately informed decisions. When this happens, it will be almost entirely due to the intellectual rigour and determination of Peter Gøtzsche.” From the Foreword by Iona Heath, President, UK Royal College of General Practitioners. The book gives plenty of examples of ad hominem attacks, intimidation, slander, threats of litigation, deception, dishonesty, lies and other violations of good scientific practice. Can be bought here.



Overlevingspakket voor de psychiatrie en het
afbouwen van psychiatrische medicijnen

Het grote publiek gelooft dat medicijnen tegen depressie en psychose meer kwaad dan goed doen, net als opnames op psychiatrische afdelingen of in inrichtingen. En dat is ook zo, blijkt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Tóch slikken velen jarenlang medicijnen tegen psychische aandoeningen. Dat komt voornamelijk omdat ze er niet meer mee kunnen stoppen. Honderden miljoenen mensen zijn door psychiaters en andere artsen afhankelijk geraakt aan psychofarmaca. In dit boek legt vooraanstaand expert Peter C. Gøtzsche uit hoe schadelijk deze medicijnen zijn en hoe mensen er veilig mee kunnen stoppen. Ook geeft hij mensen met psychische problemen adviezen over hoe ze kunnen voorkomen dat ze langdurig patiënt blijven. Walburg Pers. Aantal pagina’s: 278. Bestel dit boek € 24,99



Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado

La traducción al español de mi libro “Deady medicines and organised crime” ya está disponible gratuitamente.

Psicofármacos que matan y denegación organizada

La traducción al español de mi libro “Deady psychiatry and organised denial” ya está disponible gratuitamente.