Predatory journal “invites” me to submit my preprint manuscript about invitations to publish in predatory journals

By Peter C Gøtzsche

I had expected this to happen but was still a bit surprised when it did happen. This is the email I received today, from Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs inviting me to publish my preprint article “Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals.” This journal is published by the Omics group based in India, a well-known predatory publisher that I mention in my article. I need say no more. Should we laugh or cry or scream out loud?

From: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 1:43 PM
Subject: Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals
Importance: High

Dear Dr. Peter C Gøtzsche,
Greetings from Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs

We have gone through your unpublished work entitled “Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals” and enthralled to know about your reputation and commitment.

We strongly believe that this potential research would be beneficial to the people working in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Hereby we request you to kindly submit your manuscript to get published in our journal. We assure you that it reaches several global medical readers.

You can submit your manuscript as an attachment to this e-mail or directly through Journal’s online portal.

Looking forward for your response
Have a nice day ahead.

With Best Regards
Catherine G
Editorial Team
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs