Complaint about Cochrane editors committing editorial misconduct

Open letter to Karla Soares-Weiser
Editor-in-Chief, the Cochrane Collaboration

Complaint about Cochrane editors committing editorial misconduct

Dear Karla,

I hereby complain to you about what I consider editorial misconduct in the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders group. Briefly, while this group imposed ever increasing demands to our protocol about safe withdrawal of depression drugs in patients who wished to come off them, the group at the same time negotiated with another author group on the same issue secretly. The group rejected our protocol two years and four months after we first submitted it while it accepted the other authors’ protocol. They subsequently published a Cochrane review, which is very embarrassing for Cochrane as it is full of marketing messages that are irrelevant for the review and of many misleading statements, as I shall explain. Read full letter.